Workplace Violence Incident/Hazard Report

Workplace Violence Incident/Hazard Report
Please provide your contact details or select “Anonymous” to report anonymously
Approximate time of incident:
Name of alleged offender(s), if known:
Name of alleged offender(s), if known:

General Hazard/Safety Suggestion Reporting Form

General Hazard/Safety Suggestion Reporting Form.
Potential Injury:

OPTIONAL: Complete contact details if you want a written response. If you wish to remain anonymous, check
the appropriate box.


1. Employees are advised that use of this form or other report of unsafe conditions or practices is protected by law. It is unlawful for the employer to take any action against an employee in reprisal for exercising rights to participate in communications involving safety.
2. The management team will investigate all reports or questions submitted and, if requested, will provide a written response to the employee who provided the information and the workers in the affected area.