Solar for Auto Dealerships San Diego

Auto dealerships use a lot of power. The lights in the dealership, the computers, the TVs, and ultimately, the lights in the parking lot displaying the cars, use up a lot of power. In fact, it’s been found that car dealerships use 18% more energy than a typical office building, so the opportunities for energy savings are enormous. That’s why auto dealerships can greatly benefit from installing solar, such as is the case with the Luther Auto Group, which, in combination with LED retrofit, is projected to save over $2 million in the next 20 years.

Solar Installation for Auto Dealerships
Solar can also help with sales. As environmentalism is a growing movement in America, more and more consumers are paying attention to the environmental practices of the businesses they choose to buy from. That’s why going solar for your automotive dealership can actually increase your sales, as you are showing your customers that you care about the community and environment.

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